Virtual Traveller

The Virtual Traveller is a Green news e-dictionary of ideas and experiences to preserve the Alpine natural and cultural heritage and promote sustainable development in scenarios of rapid Climate Change and economic recession.

The Future Alp Action Green News eDictionary (FAA) is built to assist open learning for planners, teachers, students and the wider public including tourists in particular, providing a ready reference and check list of past experiences, present breaking news events and innovative ideas, to guide future action. The Dictionary is prefaced by ten leading questions and answers in the manner of the Oxford University Book of Puzzles. The Dictionary is part of the follow-up to UNEP’s Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the preparations for the 2012 Rio Earth Summit and the 2015 Millennium Development Goals.

The FAA is a rolling alphabetically arranged series, with a mini search engine, of short (100 word) modules for PCs, Ipads etc. drawn from experiences mostly recorded in the archives of Alp Action/ Reuters cyberalps projects of green news and new ideas from published literature, news media and online resources such as Wikipedia, as well as a dedicated round robin survey of + 100 Swiss alpine resorts and commentaries from the Earth Focus network of environmental leaders and schools. The modules are initially in English but with abstracts, key words/SMS etc. in German,